Templates for Academia

West Dundee, IL, Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:39:42 +0000 last edited: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:41:19 +0000  
We develop and curate content intended for academic use. The functionality of Collabra Office in Nextcloud meets our requirements, prompting consideration for its adoption.

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  Before proceeding, it's important to clarify that W3PBS (Web3 Public Broadcast System) does not position itself as an academic institution. While individuals with academic credentials are valued contributors, imposing exclusive standards on other participants is not permitted.

  Academic standards have faced challenges, with topics like the impact of Islam on Western Civilization and critiques of democracy often met with resistance in academic circles. Consequently, W3PBS does not impose rigid expectations regarding academic integrity.

  It's essential to note that W3PBS operates independently of taxpayer funds, donations, or endorsements. All initiatives are privately funded and represent earnest efforts. Criticisms disregarding this fact serve to reinforce the legitimacy and independence of our endeavors.

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  The current infrastructure of W3PBS comprises OVH hardware and IP-based routing, utilizing GNU/Debian for DNS and YunoHost, Streams, Collabra Office, and Nextcloud for various production applications. The primary objective of W3PBS is to analyze and document this complete technology stack, including hardware, software, communication protocols, and other components, with the aim of formulating a comprehensive strategy for transitioning W3PBS to owner-operated resources.

  The initial phase involves establishing expert pools responsible for developing these owner-operated networks. These pools will emulate the organizational structure of functional enterprises, encompassing technology, subject matter, and business expertise. Participants, like in their professional capacities, prioritize the collective best interest of W3PBS while maintaining their respective daytime occupations.

  An illustrative example of this approach is the examination of property tax procedures within our respective counties. W3PBS operates within defined geographical boundaries and emphasizes local relevance in its initiatives, refraining from involvement in global affairs. Accordingly, W3PBS disavows any activist inclinations and discourages discussions concerning global initiatives or external political debates. This stance is intended to prevent the encroachment of external agendas and maintain focus on local objectives within the W3PBS community.

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  Every participant is welcome to engage in the W3PBS initiative and utilize the W3PBS "brand" as they deem appropriate. It is acknowledged that attempts to undermine or dismantle the W3PBS initiative may occur, and preemptive measures against such actions are deemed unnecessary. Political, religious, and intellectual activists may critique our endeavors, an inevitable aspect of our initiative.

  A key component of W3PBS is #TheRON, or "The Owner-operated Residential Network," representing the technology expert pool. We recognize the potential for comparable or superior efforts to contribute to the overarching W3PBS initiative.

  Additional components are forthcoming to W3PBS, including a barter-based trading network. #TheRON and W3PBS prohibit participants from soliciting donations and sponsorships, but encourage the pursuit of earned funds.

  Those considering contribution to these endeavors are encouraged to engage in discussions, documentations, and knowledge-sharing. Documents generated in Nextcloud will be replicated in immutable storage, such as IPFS, to ensure preservation.

  This initial post aims to provide a concise overview, inviting further discussion, debate, and inquiries.